PasteIt notes is intended to be used to replace those sticky yellow notes that many people have stuck all over the place. Just create a pasteit note and 'stick' it on your screen wherever you like. It will stay there until you move it or delete it (assuming that the application is running). PasteIt Notes will collect all of these notes and keep them in a single file. When the file is opened, all of the notes will be placed on the screen just as they were when you last saw them. You may re-arrange the notes to taste (I prefer to switch between tiled notes and diagonal notes).
No installation steps are required for PasteIt Notes (other then putting the application on your disk). If you are running 7.0, PasteIt Notes will place its preferences file in your Preferences Folder , otherwise the preferences file will be placed in your System Folder.
Changes From version 1.0 to version 1.1
• Locked a Text handle while saving data to disk.
• Added an indication that a note is dirty.
• Fixed a bug with overwriting the heap when the title of an existing note is made longer.
Changes From version 1.1 to version 2.0
• PasteIt Notes is now commercial software -- no longer shareware.
• Added support for System 7.0.
• Multiple notes documents are now supported.
• Added the ability to import, export TEXT files.
• Added the ability to summarize ALL notes to either a text file, the clipboard, or to a new note.
• Added the ability to change the style of windows. New methods to resize/move windows.
• Cleanup Notes now supports several different cleanup styles -- including tiled windows.
• Added preferences command.
• Added select all command.
• Added color support.
• Added support for hiding notes.
• Changed some command-key bindings.
• Fixed bugs too numerous to mention.
System 7.0
PasteIt Notes is system 7.0 friendly. This means that PasteIt Notes:
• will respond to the required apple events
• supports balloon help
• Is 32 bit clean
• Compatible with TrueType (also shows the outline fonts in outline format).
Important and Non-Obvious Information
I'm glad that you're reading this paragraph. One really neat feature of PasteIt Notes is the 'Clean Up' commands sub-menu. This menu is used in conjunction with the 'Preferences' and 'Set Note Defaults' commands. You can set the default attribute of new notes (size, style, color, ...) to be those of an existing note. To do this, set up a note to be the way that you wish new notes to appear -- and then select the 'Set Note Defaults' command -- that's it!
Now that you've set the defaults, you should also use the 'Preferences Command' to set the defaults for the 'Clean Up' command. When a note is cleaned up, it's attributes can be set to the default attributes -- as if it were a new note.
You may wish to use this feature to tile you screen with a bunch of equally sized windows -- or to set the font of all your windows to be consistent.
If you have a color system, you will be able to color your notes (I suggest canary yellow with black letters).
Balloon Help
PasteIt Notes has support for help balloons under 7.0. This demo version does not, however, have the balloons installed.
Moving and Resizing Windows (Important!)
Windows can be moved or resized in two different ways. If you hold down the option and apple keys, the cursor will change to a cross-hair icon. Place the icon in any window and hold the button down. You may drag the window elsewhere.
This alternate method of moving windows is essential with the box and shadow box window styles (they don't have title bars to drag around!). These window styles can also be resized by dragging a side or a corner of the window with the apple and option keys held down.
Bruce Beare
3262 Desertwood Lane
San Jose, Ca. 95132
PasteIt Notes is coded in THINK C 4.0 using the Class Library. The Preferences Dialog was coded with the CDialog class library by Philip Keller (Thanks Phil!). Source code for PasteIt Notes is available. Please inquire about terms and cost.
If you wish to let me know about features that you would like -- or bugs that you have found, you can send me internet mail at Please feel free to distribute this demo.
The About PasteIt Notes Command
This command will display are short set of instructions for using PasteIt Notes. The instructions will be placed in a new note. This note can be treated just like any other note -- except that it will not be saved for you if you don't modify it.
The Registration Form Command
This command will display the PasteIt Notes registration form. The agreement will be placed in a new note. This note can be treated just like any other note -- except that it will not be saved for you if you don't modify it.
The Open Note File Command
This menu item is available if no note file (i.e. document) is opened. You may use it to open an existing file. All notes in that note file will be displayed just as they were when the file was last used. Any (non empty) notes that are already being displayed will be attached to this note file.
The New Note File Command
This menu item is available if no note file is opened. You may use it to create a new file. Any (non empty) notes that are already being displayed will be attached to this note file.
The Close Note File Command
This menu item is available whenever a note file is opened. You may use it to close the current note file prior to opening a new one. If you have any unsaved changes to your notes, you will be asked if you wish to save them.
The New Note command
This menu item is always available You may use it to create a new note. The new note will be created with the default attributes (see the Set Note Defaults command below). The new note will be attached to the currently opened note file if there is one. If no note file is opened, then it will be attached to the next note file that is opened.
The Delete Note Command
This menu item is available whenever a note is displayed. You may use it to destroy a note. The Delete Note command is not undo-able.
The Save Note command
This menu item is available whenever the selected (top most) note is 'dirty'. A note is dirty when something about it has been changed since it was displayed (via Open Note File) or since it was created (via New Note). These changes include virtually anything that can be done to the note (changing the text, setting the font/size/style, moving or resizing the note, etc.). The note will be saved it the currently opened note file. If no note file is opened, you will be prompted to create one.
The Save All Notes command
All dirty notes will be saved in the currently opened note file. If no note file is opened, you will be prompted to create one.
The Revert Note to Saved Command
This menu item is available whenever the selected (top most) note is 'dirty'. A note is dirty when something about it has been changed since it was displayed (via Open Note File) or since it was created (via New Note). These changes include virtually anything that can be done to the note (changing the text, setting the font/size/style, moving or resizing the note, etc.). The selected (top most) note will be re-read in from the note file. All unsaved changes will be lost. This command is not undo-able.
The Export Text Command
This menu item is available whenever a note is displayed. You may use it to save the text of a note to a 'TEXT' file. Such 'TEXT' files can be read via a variety of editors and word processors.
The Import Text Command
This menu item is always available. You will be prompted to open a 'TEXT' file. The text in the file will be placed in a new note. Note, you can only import up to 32,000 characters of text.
The (Summarize) To The Clipboard Command
This menu item will copy a summary of all of the notes to the clipboard.
The (Summarize) To a New Note Command
This menu item will copy a summary of all of the notes to a new note.
The (Summarize) To a Text File Command
This menu item will copy a summary of all of the notes to a text file (document). See the Preferences command for information on how to customize the text file for use with your favorite editor..
The Undo Command
The Undo command will undo (redo) the previous operation. Nearly any operation that changes something about a note can be undone.
The Cut Command
The Cut command will remove the selected text from the note. The text will be left in the clipboard.
The Copy Command
The Copy command will copy the selected text to the clipboard.
The Paste Command
The Paste command will copy the text from the clipboard into the selected note. The text will appear at the selection point.
The Clear Command
The Clear command will remove the selected text from the note.
The Select All Command
The Select All command will select all of the text in the note.
The Preferences… Command
The Preferences command will allow you to customize the behavior of PasteIt Notes.
The Export text file type field will allow you to select your favorite text editor or word processor to be used to view a summary or export text file. Some popular values for this field are 'ttxt' for teachtext, 'QED1' for the QUED text editor or 'MSWD' for Microsoft Word. This field must contain exactly 4 characters.
The check boxes in this dialog will allow you to customize the Clean Up command. You can select the set of attributes for which you wish to have default values set for when you clean up your notes.
The Show Clipboard Command
The Show Clipboard command will display the clipboard.
The Set Note Title Command
The Set Note Title command will allow you to change the title of the selected note. If you have some text selected in the note, that text will appear as the proposed choice for the new title. If there is no text selected, the current note title will be proposed.
The Set Note Defaults Command
The Set Note Defaults command will allow you to set the attributes for all newly created and cleaned-up notes. All of the attributes shown on the Notes menu below the dotted line will be saved. Use this command in conjunction with the 'Preferences' and 'Clean Up' commands.
The Clean Up command
The Clean up commands will allow you to reposition your notes along either edge of the screen, on an angle (top left to bottom right), or to tile the notes (make them non-overlapping). When this command is used in conjunctino with the 'Set Note Defaults' and 'Preferences' commands, you can re-set any set of your note attributes to the default values..
The Font Sub-Menu
The Font menu may be used to select the font for the note. All of the text in the note will be displayed with this font. The currently selected font will be check-marked.
The Style Sub-Menu
The Style Sub-Menu may be used to select the text style for the note. All of the text in the note will be displayed in the selected style.
The Size Sub-Menu
The Size Sub-Menu may be used to select the point size of the text in the note. All of the text will be displayed in the selected point size. Menu items that are Outlined are installed in the system file. Items that are in plain text are scaled. If all of the point sizes are shown in outline form, the font is most likely an outline font (ATM or TrueType).
The Change Window Style Sub-Menu
This menu will allow you to change the style of window for the selected note. Four styles are available…
The Standard Resizable Note & The Resizable (No Horz Scroll) Note
The text in the 'Standard Resizable Note' will not wrap at the right margin. It can be viewed by scrolling the window over.
The Shadowed Box, The Plain Box
Both the shadowed and the plain box window styles have an additional method for moving and for resizing the note. Hold down the apple and option keys and drag a corner to resize this note type. Hold down the apple and the option keys and drag the interior (content region) to move the note.
The Alignment and Spacing Sub-Menu
The Alignment and Spacing Sub-Menu may be used to change the justification or the spacing of the text in the selected note.
The Set Tab Stops… Sub-Menu
The Set Tab Stops Sub--Menu is used to control the tab expansion of text that is typed or pasted into the note. If this value is zero, then tabs are not expanded (they are left as tabs). A non-zero value (of N) will cause tabs to be expanded to every Nth character position. The tab characters will not be kept.
The Show/Hide Notes Sub-Menu
You can hide your notes. A hidden note will remain in the file -- as well as in the 'Windows' menu. To see a hidden note, either select 'Show All Notes', or select the note from the 'Windows' menu.
The Foreground Color and Background Color Sub-Menus
If you have a color Mac, you will be able to change the colors of your notes.
The Windows Menu
Use the Windows Menu to bring a (possibly) hidden note to the foreground. You can also cycle through all notes.
Registration Form
This is the demo version of PasteIt Notes version 2.0. It is fully functional, except that you can not save any changes. If you wish to order the non-demo version of PasteIt Notes…
Please send $20.00 (U.S.) to:
Bruce Beare
3262 Desertwood Lane
San Jose, Ca. 95132
Please include a note with your version number stated and where you got it (this is version 2.0 demo). I'll send you the non demo version and a manual.
PasteIt Notes is coded in THINK C 4.0 using the Class Library. The Preferences Dialog was coded with the CDialog class library by Philip Keller (Thanks Phil!). Source code for PasteIt Notes is available. Please inquire about terms and cost.
If you wish to let me know about features that you would like -- or bugs that you have found, you can send me internet mail at Please feel free to distribute the demo version.